Tuesday, April 22, 2008

See The Way

so I mainly made this blog in order to comment on the Team Mozambique blog, but I guess I'll try out actually posting stuff too.
I guess I will start out with explaining the title of my "blog" (such a weird word, once you've used it a few times in just 2 sentences...). Anyway, it's a Misty Edwards song (of course). I came across it a couple weeks ago. It's on my iTunes and I had it playing while I was doing homework. Anyway, it caught my attention so I looked up the lyrics. and here they are:

With just one word from Your mouth were the Heavens made
With just one breath from Your lips the foundations were laid
With just dream in Your heart You have wanted me
With just one pulse of Your heart You are wooing me

See the way He holds the stars in His hands
See the way He holds my heart

God is a Lover looking for a lover,
So He fashions me
God is a Lover looking for a lover,
So He forms my heart

With just one pulse of Your heart,
I'm in love

anyway, I think those lyrics pretty much speak for themselves. But for me I guess it means that no matter where I am, how many times I've failed him, how many quiet times I didn't have, how many times I refused to pray, etc. --- still He made me to be His lover. Still He holds my heart.  

That concept just blows me away. Don't get me wrong, though. I know that I must allow myself to be captivated by the Lord as my Lover, and I know that my sin separates me from Him. But even when I reject Him and even when there is sin in my heart, He never ceases to see me as His beautiful child, whom He formed because He desires my love. MY love. why?? I don't know. but I am SOO thankful for it...